Sunday, June 3, 2007

Week 2

This weekend I hiked Mt. Si (pronounced like "sigh"), a mountain just east of Seattle. It is not big as far as mountains go, only around 4200 ft, and the trail is only four miles each way, but it has an elevation gain of 3500 feet in those four miles. I was huffing and puffing, but the view was worth it.

The firm creates some volunteer opportunities during the summer for the summer associates. This Sunday I helped clean a men's homeless shelter. During the day, one of the women coordinating the project told me, "when you guys come back tonight you won't recognize the place." I looked at her quizzically and she said "You stay here, right?" Well, I know I'm not the best dressed but I didn't think I look that down on my luck. Not wanting to embarrass her (even though I don't think she could be embarrassed) I mumbled something about a summer job then went back to what I was doing.

Work-wise, everything is going well. I think I am getting the hang of things. At least how to set my voicemail. My fellow summer associates are very sharp.....and young. Surprisingly, however, I am not the oldest of the
group. One woman is six (6) years older than I am. I wasn't sure how old she was so I told her not to take this the wrong way, but I believed that she and I were the senior members of the group. I asked her if she went to high school in the 80s and she told me she graduated in '82. That made me feel a little better.


RTM said...

I was pleasantly surprised by the age of my small group at DWT. One guy is probably about my age, and the girl is a few years younger, but at least she worked for a while and got a master's degree before law school. It's good not to feel like too much of an old man. Chasing the kids at home does a good enough job of that. Keep at 'em champ.

Unknown said...

Thomas and I are sitting here in Pueblo West enjoying your pictures and Blog postings. Thanks for the update! Keep the cards and letters coming! MA

Unknown said...


Marilyn said...

Beau, the pictures are beautiful! WOW is what comes to mind, it's all so tranquil. Sorry you were mistaken for a "resident." (smile)

Unknown said...

I'm trying to place you... Are you the funny guy, or the guy with the beard? Maybe I ended up on this blog by mistake?

I am kidding, of course? Seems like you're enjoying the time!

Time Capsule

Time Capsule
Downtown Astoria

Top of the World

Top of the World
Better slow your mustang down

Nicer than 19th and H

Nicer than 19th and H
Lewis and Clark Law School

Laying Down the Law

Laying Down the Law
Trina's Grandpa

Co-Founders of the DBC

Co-Founders of the DBC
Bill and Dave's Excellent Adventure

End of the Road

End of the Road
Lews & Clark's Final Campsite

The Mighty Columbia River

The Mighty Columbia River
Roll On Columbia!

Lake Crescent

Lake Crescent
Lake Crescent is part of the Olympic National Forest.

Hoh River

Hoh River
The Hoh River.

Fallen Tree

Fallen Tree
This is a single fallen tree bordering the trail. It was about 220 feet long.


Sunset over Puget Sound.

The Mountain

The Mountain
You can make out Mt. Rainier in the distance.